Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

The PANOPTESEC project started on the 1st of November 2013. It deals with the automated and assisted security management of SCADA system. The main objective of PANOPTESEC is to provide an integrated solution that will allow to efficiently monitor SCADA systems, detect intrusions and react to them. To that end, it encompasses many of the research topics that are addressed by the CIDre team: alerts aggregation and correlation, policy-aware intrusion detection, architecture-aware intrusion detection, automated trust management, trust-based automated reaction and visualization. The CIDre team is envolved in the project on all of these aspects. The partners are REHA, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France, Epistematica, The university of Rome, the university of Hamburg, the institut Mines-Telecom, ACEA and Supelec.

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

  • Program: EIT ICT labs

  • Project acronym: “Privacy, security and trust in information society” action line

  • Project title: “Security and privacy for location-based services” activity

  • Duration: January 2012 - December 2013

  • Coordinator: Sébastien Gambs

  • Other partners: KTH (Sweden), Privatics Inria team (France), Alcatel-Lucent (France), University of Trento (Italy), DFKI (Germany).

    Abstract: The main objective of this activity is to address the issues of privacy and security for location-based services. More precisely, the main outcomes of this activity are (1) secure and privacy-preserving implementations of location-based services (for instance traffic monitoring), (2) tools to raise the public awareness about the privacy issues in such context but also to help a user to prevent/limit privacy leaks (thus contributing to the protection of privacy), (3) demonstrators to secure the position of an individual and (4) the application of the results and findings of the activity to other thematic Action Lines of EIT ICT labs.